Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday, February 3

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #10

2.  Review the content about the beginning of the Civil War in GC (website and doc).  

3.  Review the outline for Part 2 of the Project.

4.  Review Vocab: Civil War  GIMKIT

5.  Continue to work on your project!


1 - Complete the fermentation notes if you were absent or missed anything in class. 

2 - Complete the Flocabulary: Cellular Respiration assignments.  The quiz portion will be recorded as long as all other parts of the assignment are completed. 

3 - Prepare for Friday's quiz on biomolecules and cell processes.  Review the Food & Energy slideshows and assignments. Use the review material posted in Google Classroom. (Look for "Quiz Review: Biomolecules & Cell Processes," posted today.) 


Final drafts (including illustrated glossary, presentations of learning, and digital exhibit) are due Wednesday.

Core Connections:

Please make sure you've filled out today's SS Legacy Project 2/3.  

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