Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31st, 2025


1) Final projects are due Wednesday next week (including presentations of learning, edited illustrated glossaries, and digital exhibits).

2) If you did not have your peer reviews completed on time (for class today), you were required to finish your peer review in class today. To make up for not contributing to the group during this time, your group assigned you a short list of tasks to complete as homework. If you do not complete these tasks before next class, it will count against your final project grade.

Core Connections

1. Please make sure you've gone through the H.S. Course Registration Catalog.

2.  There is a slideshow to help you review the H.S. course information.

3.  PLEASE complete and turn in the Google Form that goes with today's information.

Social Studies:

1.  Complete the Flocabulary Civil War assignment

2.  Study the Civil War Vocab set

3. Continue to work on the research of your Supreme Court case for Part 2 of the SS Project!


1 - Complete the Cellular Respiration overview if you were absent or did not do this during class.

2 - Review the Show What You Know questions if you were absent or did not do this during class. 

There will most likely be a quiz next week on biomolecules and cell processes - possibly Friday. Stay tuned!  

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