Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday, January 29

Valentine's Day Dance - sponsored by Student Council

Social Studies:

REMINDER:  on Thursday, Jan. 30 all SS classes will be asynchronous

1.  All project re-submissions due today (17 students only).  Today is the ONLY day to re-submit if you have already been given approval.

2.  Create a new Vocab Study Set and name it "Civil War".  The words are listed in GC.

3.  Watch the first 20 minutes of ATSOU #5 "Civil War".  Take Graffiti notes (symbols, words, pictures) as you watch.

4.  Continue to work on Part 2 of the SS project.  Remember that the Supreme Court case that you have selected is a story with characters, actions, events, conflict and resolution.  Make sure that you understand your story!!


1 - Photosynthesis Overview (done in class; finish this if you have not done it for any reason)

2 - Photosynthesis Color By Number (done & checked in class; finish this if you have not done it for any reason)

3 - Complete the Flocabulary: Photosynthesis assignments. The quiz part will be recorded as a grade as long as all the other assigned sections are also completed. 

Core Connections

1. SS Legacy Check in (during class) (Google Form)

2. Don't forget the H.S. Virtual Open House at 5:30 tonight!  


Project rough drafts are due tomorrow!

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.

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