Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025


1 - Answer the attendance question first.

2 - Complete Assignment #1 in Google Classroom.  Follow directions. Use the video to complete the slides; submit your completed slides.

3 - Complete Assignment #2 in Google Classroom. Follow directions. Your answers on the assignment should come from the bacteriophage video lesson. 


1 - Answer the attendance question

2 - I had written the wrong date for the dramatic irony yesterday. Look at the April 3rd entry. If you need to adjust your response (so that it is about the incident in the April 3rd entry), you should go edit your answer.

3 - Read the article linked in the assignment directions in Google Classroom. As you do, think about whether the experiment in “Flowers for Algernon” would be ethical or not (this is eventually the debate/conversation we will have).

4 - Answer the comprehension questions in Google Classroom. These will count as a classwork grade.

Core Connections:

1.  Please do the Active Listening Snow Day Google Form.

2. Active Listening Flocabulary - let's review skills!  

Social Studies:

1.  Complete the attendance question and Warm up #17

2.  Begin the BHM Webquest.  It is due on Tuesday, Feb. 25th!  You will work on it a bit today, a bit on Monday 2/24 and a bit on Tuesday 2/25.  Use your time wisely!

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