Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, February 10th, 2025


1) Finish the "General IQ" section of the investigation worksheet in Google Classroom (due tomorrow)

2) MiWrite assignment (from the bottom of the investigation worksheet) - due Thursday

Core Connections:

1. Please make sure you complete the Google Form for today's SS Work Day.  

2. Make sure you connect with me by asking for help if you need it during our work time today.

Social Studies:

1.  Study the Music of the Era (North/Union) by reflecting on John Brown's Body and Battle Hymn of the Republic.  Be prepared to share your thoughts in small group tomorrow.

2.  Continue to study Vocab: Civil War



1 - Complete the Smallest to Largest activity if you didn't do it in class or missed class today.

2 - Complete the Cell Size & Scale assignment in Google Classroom. 

3 - Finish the cell processes graphic organizer from Friday, if you did not do this already. Several examples of high quality work were shown in class today - excellent job to those who worked hard on this!  

Valentine's Day Dance - sponsored by Student Council 

Song Requests - for Friday's DJ; submit your music requests here

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