Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Core Connections:

1. SS Project Work Day.  

2. Please make sure you fill out today's Google Form so that I am able to gear tomorrow's direct instruction for what you need.


Period 1:

-CommonLit in Google Classroom: Nature vs Nurture

-Final projects due 11:59 pm tomorrow

Periods 2, 3, 4, 5:

-Final project due beginning of class tomorrow.


1 - Classwork - notes on metabolism and cell division; review today's slideshow if you were absent or missed anything.

2 - Complete the BrainPop: Metabolism assignments (Video, Challenge, Practice Quiz, & Graded Quiz).

3 - Prepare for Friday's quiz on biomolecules and cell processes.  Review the Food & Energy slideshows and assignments. Use the review material posted in Google Classroom. (Look for "Quiz Review: Biomolecules & Cell Processes," posted Feb. 3.) 

Social Studies:

1. Complete warm up #11

2.  Review the video and notes in GC about the beginning of the Civil War.

3.  Study the Civil War vocab using the Gimkit game from yesterday.

4.  Continue to work on your SS Project part 2

5.  REMINDER:  SS is Asynchronous on Wednesday, Feb 5 and Thursday, Feb 6

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