Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #16 (classwork)

2.  Sign the Graffiti wall celebrating Constitution Day. Try the quiz for fun! (classwork)

3.  Begin the Mecklenburg Resolves lesson with your group (classwork)

Celebrate Constitution Day 2024 by sharing what you learned today with a family member!


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - by 11:59pm tonight
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (12-24, 24-48)
Period 2:
-pgs 48-63 questions - in Jupiter

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #1' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - already due
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (5-12, 12-24)

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - by 11:59pm tonight
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (12-24, 24-48

8th Grade: Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy AND IXL).  It is due Friday.

Math1:  2nd period: Complete B1 from today's class.   4th period: complete B1 through exercise 4

Both classes: Sign up for the retake if you plan to complete it next week.  Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy AND IXL).  It is due Friday.

Your periodic table project is due tomorrow by the end of the day.  Yay! You're almost finished! I look forward to seeing your beautiful and amazing projects. 

Core Connections:
Please remember to bring your posters home if you need to work on them. We will be moving forward to another topic tomorrow (we're not working on posters in CC class).


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