Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday, September 12th, 20204


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for reading quiz #1 during MTSS tomorrow

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence!)
    • Error Remediation – must already submitted

Period 2:

-Reading Quiz tomorrow (pages 24-48)

-Optional retake for reading quiz #1 during MTSS next Thursday (1 week from today)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete ("pgs 5-12" and "pgs 12-24" in Jupiter)
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence for every question)
    • Error Remediation - available in Jupiter - MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE START OF CLASS ON MONDAY.

Periods 3, 5:

-Final drafts for "This I Believe" due tomorrow

-If not finished in class: finish reading and annotation the "9/11 Disease" article

  • Annotation guidelines:
    • Circle unknown words
    • Mark and label connected ideas. For example:
      • Examples
      • Cause-and-effect
      • Expert/witness statements
      • etc.

Social Studies:

1.  Warm up:  Watch the 2 linked videos and write a 1-2 paragraph reflection (classwork)

2.  NC Text Ch. 4.2 Group Assignment (classwork)

3.  Complete page 2 of the G.O. (America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit) (homework)


The Periodic Table Project is due on Wednesday, September 18.  Follow directions carefully and use the rubric to check yourself. Do your best work ~ neatness counts!

Core Connections:

1. We are continuing to work on the Periodic Table projects.  

2.  Please bring in your poster boards.


8th Grade: Khan Academy and IXL are due tomorrow.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Math 1: Your test is tomorrow! I posted the Gimkit and study guide key to Google Classroom.

Khan Academy and IXL are due tomorrow!  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

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