Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

The STAR assessment will be given on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Please be on time for school. Bring your fully-charged device and charger to school with you.  

Social Studies:

1.  Warm up #15 (classwork)

2.  The NC Regulator Movement Part 2 (directions in GC) (classwork then submit group doc in GC!)

3.  Review the events and laws on the "America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit" G.O. (homework)

4.  Review the Colonization vocab (homework)


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by Tuesday 11:59pm
    • Both homeworks to prepare for this quiz are complete (pages 24-36 and pages 36-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.
-pages 49-63 questions (in Jupiter)

Period 2:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #1 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by today, beginning of class
    • Homework assignment to prepare for this quiz is complete (pages 24-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by Tuesday 11:59pm
    • Both homeworks to prepare for this quiz are complete (pages 24-36 and pages 36-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.

 Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy/IXL).  It is due Friday 9/20.

The periodic table project is due Wednesday, September 18 by the end of the school day. Follow directions and do your best work.  Neatness counts. 

- Recuerda estudiar para el examen del jueves. Los temas estan en google class.
- No olivides trabajar en tus tareas en Padlet todos los dias (de lunes a jueves) 
- Tu libro debe estar terminado el miercoles. Por favor, recuerda traerlo a la clase para seguir trabajandolo. 

Core Connections:
Today was a project work day for the Periodic Table. We will have time to work in class on Tuesday, but not during class on Wednesday.

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