Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Remote Day: Please check Google Classroom for your assignments including your elective classes. 8th graders in PE - your assignment is posted here (see below).

Core Connections:

1. Complete the Bear Adaptations Article and Google Form with questions about the article.  


Check Google Classroom for detailed instructions on today's assignment. 

1 - Answer the Attendance Question posted in Google Classroom. 

2 - Finish balancing the equations you copied on p.20 of your LearnEd notebook.  See more details in Google Classroom. 

3 - Study for your Chemistry Quiz.  We will take the quiz in class on Monday - be ready! Use the review materials posted in Google Classroom. 

4 - Optional: Use the links posted in Google Classroom to practice balancing equations. 

8th Grade PE students:

Complete the following YouTube Video for PE class.  Email Ms. Liller or Mr. Owen what time you completed it:  or

Remote Day PE assignment or copy this:

SPANISH: Tarea evaluada de hoy ha sido posteada en google class. Por favor, enviala en la hora indicada. 

ARTVisual Arts Remote Lesson. Food Landscape Challenge

Students will be able to use food-based objects as a starting point for an artistic landscape design.


student supplied food objects for reference

crayons, markers or pens

blank paper (preferred) or whatever materials you have available

For other inspiration, look at the works of Carl Warner, who builds landscapes from everyday food objects.  To create a similar technique, now watch the video Foodscapes about Carl’s process.  These are great examples!  Regardless of the examples viewed, students will create a simple drawing where they turn their food objects into a new landscape creation through drawing and color. 

The goal of this assignment is to turn food objects into the start of a larger compositional drawing. With the objects drawn on the paper, in the proper place for design, if possible, please take a photograph of your completed work and email the design to me.  If you are able, you could bring in the completed landscape drawing to the classroom next week to turn in.  

Math:  Both classes have Khan Academy lessons to complete for the hurricane day.  Look in Google Classroom for more information.  You also have your weekly homework to complete if you have not done so already.

The Math 1 Retake will be given next week.

Math 8- work on your unit review over the weekend. 

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