Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Core Connections:

Today we worked on the Pandora's box activity.  Don't panic if you're not done.  Instead, enjoy your three-day weekend.  I will allocate some time on Monday to complete the activity.


Finish the Acids/Bases review handout if you did not finish in class today.  Complete both sides. Follow directions shown in class. 

If you did not turn in your periodic table project, finish it over the weekend and remember to bring it to school. 


Math 8: Finish the weekly homework due tomorrow 9/20.  You do not need to finish the Khan Academy that I posted yesterday 9/18.

Math 1: Complete B3 through Fluency and the weekly Khan Academy/IXL. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Core Connections:

Please make sure you turn in the following today:

1.  Periodic Table Reflection: Google Form

2. Update your Digital Portfolio to include an 8th grade projects page with a blurb about your Periodic Table Project.

3.  You'll need your Interactive Notebooks for Thursday.

Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #17 (classwork)

2.  Complete the group assignment "Mecklenburg Resolves" and submit in GC (classwork)

3.  Review the G.O. "America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit" and Colonization vocab (homework)

Gimkit Review


1 - Finish the pH & Indicators Lab if I did not get yours in class today.  If you did not test all of the chemicals, answer the questions based on the ones you were able to test.

2 - Finish the "Changes in Everyday Life" assignment if you did not finish during MTSS today. 

3 - If I did not receive your periodic table project, you need to finish this project.  Let me know if you have questions or need help. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #16 (classwork)

2.  Sign the Graffiti wall celebrating Constitution Day. Try the quiz for fun! (classwork)

3.  Begin the Mecklenburg Resolves lesson with your group (classwork)

Celebrate Constitution Day 2024 by sharing what you learned today with a family member!


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - by 11:59pm tonight
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (12-24, 24-48)
Period 2:
-pgs 48-63 questions - in Jupiter

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #1' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - already due
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (5-12, 12-24)

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2' (Thursday, MTSS)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation - by 11:59pm tonight
    • Classwork packet #2 -- every question with evidence
    • Both homework assignments for this section (12-24, 24-48

8th Grade: Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy AND IXL).  It is due Friday.

Math1:  2nd period: Complete B1 from today's class.   4th period: complete B1 through exercise 4

Both classes: Sign up for the retake if you plan to complete it next week.  Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy AND IXL).  It is due Friday.

Your periodic table project is due tomorrow by the end of the day.  Yay! You're almost finished! I look forward to seeing your beautiful and amazing projects. 

Core Connections:
Please remember to bring your posters home if you need to work on them. We will be moving forward to another topic tomorrow (we're not working on posters in CC class).


Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

The STAR assessment will be given on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Please be on time for school. Bring your fully-charged device and charger to school with you.  

Social Studies:

1.  Warm up #15 (classwork)

2.  The NC Regulator Movement Part 2 (directions in GC) (classwork then submit group doc in GC!)

3.  Review the events and laws on the "America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit" G.O. (homework)

4.  Review the Colonization vocab (homework)


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by Tuesday 11:59pm
    • Both homeworks to prepare for this quiz are complete (pages 24-36 and pages 36-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.
-pages 49-63 questions (in Jupiter)

Period 2:

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #1 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by today, beginning of class
    • Homework assignment to prepare for this quiz is complete (pages 24-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz #2 on Thursday, MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Error Remediation completed by Tuesday 11:59pm
    • Both homeworks to prepare for this quiz are complete (pages 24-36 and pages 36-48)
    • Show me Classwork Packet #2 completed, EVERY ANSWER WITH EVIDENCE.

 Work on your weekly homework (Khan Academy/IXL).  It is due Friday 9/20.

The periodic table project is due Wednesday, September 18 by the end of the school day. Follow directions and do your best work.  Neatness counts. 

- Recuerda estudiar para el examen del jueves. Los temas estan en google class.
- No olivides trabajar en tus tareas en Padlet todos los dias (de lunes a jueves) 
- Tu libro debe estar terminado el miercoles. Por favor, recuerda traerlo a la clase para seguir trabajandolo. 

Core Connections:
Today was a project work day for the Periodic Table. We will have time to work in class on Tuesday, but not during class on Wednesday.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday, September 13th, 2024


Monday is Library Day! Make sure you bring any books you borrowed, even if you aren't finished yet.

Periods 1, 4: 

-pages 49-63 questions in Jupiter - due Tuesday

Period 2:

-Optional retake on your first reading quiz on Thursday next week

  • Retake requirements:
    • Make sure both homeworks to prepare for the reading quiz (pages 5-12 and pages 12-24) are completed
    • Error Remediation completed by MONDAY, BEGINNING OF CLASS.
    • Classwork Packet #1 completed, and every answer has evidence
  • Finish the Physical & Chemical Changes lab if you did not finish in class / MTSS today. 
  • Please ask your parent to complete the field trip permission form which was sent this morning via email and School Status Connect. Parents also need to pay for the trip through the Linq pay system.
  • The Periodic Table Project is due Wednesday, September 18 by the end of the day. Follow directions carefully and do your best work. Neatness counts!
Core Connections:

Today was a Periodic Table Project Workday.  If you feel the need to work on your poster over the weekend, please remember to bring it in for Monday's workday.  Also, if you borrowed a poster board from me, please remember to replace it ASAP. 

The weekly homework has been posted to Google Classroom and Khan Academy.   The weekly homework is due Friday 9/20. There is no homework due Monday.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday, September 12th, 20204


Periods 1, 4:

-Optional retake for reading quiz #1 during MTSS tomorrow

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence!)
    • Error Remediation – must already submitted

Period 2:

-Reading Quiz tomorrow (pages 24-48)

-Optional retake for reading quiz #1 during MTSS next Thursday (1 week from today)

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete ("pgs 5-12" and "pgs 12-24" in Jupiter)
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence for every question)
    • Error Remediation - available in Jupiter - MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE START OF CLASS ON MONDAY.

Periods 3, 5:

-Final drafts for "This I Believe" due tomorrow

-If not finished in class: finish reading and annotation the "9/11 Disease" article

  • Annotation guidelines:
    • Circle unknown words
    • Mark and label connected ideas. For example:
      • Examples
      • Cause-and-effect
      • Expert/witness statements
      • etc.

Social Studies:

1.  Warm up:  Watch the 2 linked videos and write a 1-2 paragraph reflection (classwork)

2.  NC Text Ch. 4.2 Group Assignment (classwork)

3.  Complete page 2 of the G.O. (America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit) (homework)


The Periodic Table Project is due on Wednesday, September 18.  Follow directions carefully and use the rubric to check yourself. Do your best work ~ neatness counts!

Core Connections:

1. We are continuing to work on the Periodic Table projects.  

2.  Please bring in your poster boards.


8th Grade: Khan Academy and IXL are due tomorrow.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Math 1: Your test is tomorrow! I posted the Gimkit and study guide key to Google Classroom.

Khan Academy and IXL are due tomorrow!  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Social Studies:

1.  Debate take-aways discussion (classwork)

2.  Review of the 5 Themes of Geography:  Unpacking Seattle, Washington (classwork)

3.  NC TEXT Reading and notes 4.1 (classwork)

4.  Complete pg. 1 side 2 of the Graphic Organizer "America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit"

1 - Finish the Physical or Chemical Change lab if you did not finish in class today. 

2 - Complete the Physical & Chemical Changes Review assignment in Google Classroom if you did not finish during MTSS today. Remember to take screenshots of your scores and copy / paste these into your assignment document. 

Core Connections:

1.  Please make sure you've completed and turned in the September 11th journal in GC.

2. We will continue working on the Periodic Table Project.


Periods 1, 4:

--pages 36-48 questions (in Jupiter)

-Reading Quiz #2: tomorrow

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz 1: Friday MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence!)
    • Error Remediation – due tonight by 11:59pm
Period 2:
--pages 24-48 questions (in Jupiter)
-Reading quiz #2 (Friday)

Periods 3, 5:
"This I Believe" final drafts due before electives on Friday


8th Grade: Your Roots Checkpoint is tomorrow!  You need to know how to calculate and compare Square and Cube roots. 

Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Math 1: Finish lesson A12: Algebraic Puzzles. Your Study Guide is also due tomorrow. Your test is on Friday and will cover mathematical properties, algebraic manipulation, and rules of exponents. 

Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Social Studies:

1. Complete the Symbol activity for ATSOU Episode 1 (classwork)

2.  Complete side one of page one "America's Growing Revolutionary Spirit" (classwork and homework)

3.  Add the term sectionalism to your Colonization Study Set! (homework)


Finish both EdPuzzle assignments posted in Google Classroom (Properties of Matter and Physical vs Chemical Changes).


8th Grade: Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Math 1: Finish lesson A11: Translating English to Algebra. Your Study Guide should be done by Thursday.  Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.


Periods 1, 4:

-pages 24-36 questions (in Jupiter)

-Reading Quiz #2: Thursday

-Optional retake for Reading Quiz 1: Friday MTSS

  • Retake requirements:
    • Both homeworks to prepare for Reading Quiz #1 complete
    • Classwork Packet #1 complete (with evidence!)
    • Error Remediation – due Wednesday by 11:59pm
Period 2

-Reading Quiz #2 - Thursday

Periods 3, 5:

-Finish peer review (if not done in class)

-Final drafts due Friday

Core Connections:

Today was a project work day for the Periodic Table.  Our goal is to have a completed draft by Wednesday at the end of class.  Please bring a poster board.  

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024


1 - Finish p. 16 in your Matter LearnEd booklet.

2 - Finish the Physical & Chemical Changes Mystery Picture in Google Classroom.

3 - Lab tomorrow!  Please bring a hair tie if you have long hair. 

Core Connections:

1. Please turn in the Perioic Table Check-in #2, a Google Document.


8th Grade: Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Math 1: Finish lesson A10: Translating English to Algebra. Your Study Guide should be done by Thursday.  Khan Academy and IXL are due Friday.  You need at least a 90 on the IXL.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday, September 6th, 2024


Period 2:

-pages 12-24 questions (in Jupiter)

-reading quiz Monday

Periods 3,5:

-This I Believe rough draft - due Tuesday


Finish the Wizer: Metals, Nonmetals, & Metalloids assignment if you did not finish at school today.

Be sure you completed and finished your Warm Ups for this week. Submit in Google Classroom.


Your weekly homework has been posted in Google Classroom and is due next Friday 9/13.  You have Khan Academy and IXL.  You need at least a 90 on IXL.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


8th Graders:

Please follow the computer check out procedure.  Three of the 8th grade laptops were not returned this afternoon.  If you have one of them, please email me to let me know.  

As you know, Voyager has a Bring Your Own Device policy.  Taking home a school computer is not permitted.   

Thank you,

Ms. Sauer

Thursday, September 5th, 2024


Periods 1,4:

-pages 12-24 questions in Jupiter

-First 2 questions for pages 12-24 in the Classwork Packet.

-reading quiz tomorrow

Period 2:

Your reading quiz is postponed to Monday. We will finish reading the section tomorrow.


If your IXL is not finished from MTSS today, it is due on Monday.


1 - Finish "A Strong Breakfast" if you did not finish in class today. 

2 - Complete page 14 in your Matter LearnEd notebook. Use the slides posted in Google Classroom. 

Social Studies:

1. Complete warm up #13(classwork)

2.  Finish I.N. Activity 6(classwork)

3.  Play Jeopardy Review (classwork and homework)


Core Connections:

Please turn in today's Google Form: Periodic Table Check In #1.   

Please submit whatever you've completed in Sorting Skills.  It's OK if you're not completely finished. I want to see what you've understood so far.

It'd be a good weekend to look for poster board (Hint). 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024


Periods 1, 2:

-Fill out as much of the character tracker as possible. You should have NO MORE than 2 "Description" boxes blank.

-Reading quiz on Friday

Social Studies:

1.  Finish warm up #12 (classwork)

2.  Complete the I.N. activities #4 and #5 (classwork)

3.  Review the slideshow "Colonial Tour" and answer questions 1 and 2 on side 39 and questions 5 and 6 on slide 40 (classwork and homework)

4.  Study for Friday's test using Study Materials!

Core Connections:

We will continue with Sorting Skills on Thursday. There is no homework today.


Finish your MTSS assignment if you did not finish at school today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete Warm up #11 (classwork)

2. Complete side 1 and 2 of the NC Ch. 3 handout (classwork) then check your answers to the Fill in the Blank using the key provided in GC 

3.  Label the map of the 13 Original Colonies using abbreviations and COLOR!

4.  Use the study materials found in your SS binder to study for Friday's Test!  The study materials list was posted on Friday, August 30th (homework)

Colonization Gimkit Review


Finish the Flocabulary: Properties of Chemical Families assignments if you did not finish in class today. Note: Flocabulary seems to be having technical glitches today. If you cannot complete this assignment or cannot access the work you completed in class, it's okay. Thanks for being patient and flexible!


Periods 1, 2, 4:

-"pages 5-12: 12 Angry Men questions" -- posted in Jupiter

-Reading quiz Friday. Use your classwork packet and homework assignments this week as a study guide.

Remember: Unfinished classwork becomes homework! If you did not finish the first page (front and back) of the classwork packet, finish for homework.

Core Connections:

Today, we worked on Sorting Skills.  Make sure you've filled out the embedded Google Form - Dog Breeds - as a check in for today. We'll continue sorting activities tomorrow, so you don't need to submit the SlideShow yet.