Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


1 - Finish the EdPuzzle: Fossils Review if you did not finish in class today. 

2 - Finish the Index Fossils Review (digital, in GC) if you did not finish in class today. 

3 - (If this applies to you) Complete the "Earth History: Picture it!" illustrations if you did not turn it in today.  This was due today. If you were absent today, please bring your completed work to school when you return. 

Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #6 (classwork)

2.  Make sure that you have completed the study set on Industrialization from March 22nd 

3.  Kick off Part 5 of the SS Project: Arpilleras.  Complete the group and individual assignments (classwork)

4.  Study your new unit vocab "Industrialization" (homework)

5.  Make sure that you have a document created which answers the following question:

What social change do you wish to see? 

Explain the problem and the potential solution.



- Recuerda hacer tu tarea en Padlet 


Period 2:

1) Study guide due tomorrow. This must be completed and turned in BY THE BEGINNING OF CLASS to be eligible to retake the unit test.

2) Unit test Friday. There are additional study resources are posted in a Google Doc in Jupiter Materials.

Periods 1, 4, 5:

1) FfA Retake form (EVEN IF NOT RETAKING): due Thursday morning. This simply informs me of your retake plans. Posted in Google Classroom.

If Planning to Retake the Unit Test:

---Error Remediation (in Google Classroom) - due Thursday before class. Fill out one row for each question you lost points for EXCEPT questions with rubrics (these will be reviewed tomorrow).

---Complete any assignments marked "missing" (or "absent") in Jupiter from Quarters 3 or 4.

---You must have turned in the study guide on time. If you did not, you are not eligible.

---Retakes will be EITHER Monday/Tuesday or Tuesday/Wednesday next week, depending on the library schedule.

Core Connections:

1. Please make sure you've made up this missing assignments.

2. Please do the Tech Tuesday 3 games and Google Form.

3.  Tomorrow, we will be painting. 

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