Thursday, April 4, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Core Connections:

Today, we painted our bird silhouettes.  Painting will continue tomorrow.  If you're finished, we'll work on the Rachel Carson interactive notebook activity.

Please make sure you've returned the signed parent permission/denial slip for the upcoming presentation from the Health Department. 


Period 2:

Your unit test is tomorrow -- make sure to study! Use your study guide (in Google Classroom) and use some of the resources from the Study Resources document posted in Jupiter Materials.

Period 1, 3, 4, 5:

No homework for ELA tonight, except to continue preparing for your retest if you plan to take it.

If Planning to Retake the Unit Test, these are the requirements:

---Error Remediation (in Google Classroom) - due today before class. You can still submit it late if it isn't done yet, but you may not receive feedback in time for the retake.

---Complete any assignments marked "missing" (or "absent") in Jupiter from Quarters 3 or 4.

---You must have turned in the study guide on time. If you did not, you are not eligible.

---Retakes will be Tuesday/Wednesday next week.

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