Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Bring back your signed permission/denial letter for the upcoming Health Department presentations. The signed form is due Friday, April 12. 

Core Connections:

1. Bird Silhouettes were due Wednesday.

2.  Water Posters are due Friday during the school day.  


1 - Complete the BrainPop: Carbon Dating assignments if you did not finish during class.  Please work in this order: 1)Movie, 2) Challenge, 3) Review Quiz, 4) Graded Quiz.  The Quiz will count as a classwork grade, but only if all other parts of this are completed. 

2 - Finish the EdPuzzle: Radioactive Decay. 

3 - Optional Enrichment: Continue to score your March Mammal Madness bracket.  If your predicted 'winners' of Round 1 are no longer in the competition, ask Mrs. Graham for a new form (or print one using this link).  Once you have show me your completed new bracket, I'll tell you where to find the Rodent Roundtable videos to continue scoring your bracket. After scoring your bracket, you will submit a summary / reflection of your experience (writing prompt will be posted later).

Social Studies:

1.  Complete I.N. Activity L8/R8 (classwork)

2.  Gimkit review (classwork)

3.  Complete the trading card/due tomorrow 

4.  Read Ch. 18 Section 4 "The New Immigrants" pp.  625-629 (homework)

5.  Review for your quiz (homework)

6.  Make sure that your rough draft of your Arpillera is complete BEFORE you come to class tomorrow.  This is done in pencil on the back of the brainstorming sheet!


Periods 1, 3, 4, 5:

1) Today's warmup (if not finished in class today) -- you must retake the assignment until you get >=80% OR until you have tried 3 times.

Period 2:

Unit retest is postponed to Monday due to class time lost to testing.

If Planning to Retake the Unit Test, these are the requirements:

1) Study guide turned in ON TIME

2) Complete any assignments marked "missing" (or "absent") in Jupiter from Quarter 4

3) Error Remediation (in Google Classroom) -- we will work on this a little bit together in class tomorrow - due tomorrow

4) Revised constructed responses (from the test) -- we will work on this in class tomorrow

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