Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


1 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th - Complete the Ecosystem Color By Number review (4th period - we will do this tomorrow!)

2 - Study for Thursday's quiz on Oceans & Estuaries. Use the review material posted in Google Classroom. 

3 - Finish any incomplete work! Second quarter ends soon. Check PowerSchool to see if you have missing assignments or 0s on anything.  

Social Studies:

1.  Review the notes from America 11.1 "The Industrial Revolution" (in GC)

2.  Finish ATSOU #4 Division (the video is linked in GC).  Finish questions 1-3 from Monday.

3.  Read the PDF (part 1 and part 2) about the life of George Moses Horton (an enslaved entrepreneur).  Write a 1 paragraph reflection based on this question:  Why is George Moses Horton considered an enslaved entrepreneur and celebrated in NC on June 28th every year?


Finish today's warmup: Read the first two subsections ("A Revolutionary Idea" and "The First Human Experiments") in the article "The Disturbing History of Human Experimentation." After every paragraph, write one sentence summarizing what that paragraph was about.

If you were absent today, use the "Reading Progress" document to catch up with the reading you missed. An electronic copy of the short story is linked in the document. Remember to answer the questions in your reading journal each time you come across a pink number in the story.

Core Connections:
Please finish the Gift Activities and complete any missing work. 

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