Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022

 Social Studies:

1.  Turn in your Q2 Warm-Ups (in GC)

2.  Review your new unit vocabulary

3.  Read in the America text Ch. 11 section 1 "The Industrial Revolution" p. 382-387

*take notes as you read


1 - Finish "An Ocean of Plastic" if you did not finish during class today.  Your answers should be based on the article and the video in the assignment.

2 - Quiz on Thursday on Oceans & Estuaries.  Use the Quizlet vocabulary set and the practice questions in Google Classroom to prepare.  Study all slideshows on Estuaries and Ocean topics. 

Core Connections:

1. Please make sure you've completed Friday's Assignment: Empathy Makes Us Better Readers.

2. Look for missing assignments.

3. Begin "Gift" activities


If you were absent today, use the "Reading Progress" document to catch up with the reading you missed. An electronic copy of the short story is linked in the document. Remember to answer the questions in your reading journal each time you come across a pink number in the story.

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