Thursday, April 1, 2021

Friday, April 1, 2021

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #15.

2.  Finish your rough draft sketch of your arpillera design on paper.  (Use your project design ideas and be specific)

3.  Use a pencil to lightly sketch your design on your CANVAS.

4.  Bring a paint brush, your paints and 3D materials to class on April 12.  We will begin ART DAYS in Social Studies as soon as we return from break.

Have a wonderful break from school!

1 - Submit your Warm Ups for this week (you should have 3 this week).
2 - Finish the Geologic Time Organizer assignment we started in class today. Use pages 346-349 in your textbook to locate the events. If you were in person at school today, please submit a picture of your completed paper in GC.
3 - Please bring your Earth History LearnEd notebook to school on April 12.  (This one is yellow with a picture of Earth on the cover.)
Have a fantastic spring break! 🌼 I'll miss you! 

Core Connections:

1. Happy (Almost)Spring Break!  Please check for any missing assignments in your Google Classroom. We'll have another shift in schedules when we come back.

2.  Peer Reviews for our COVID Stories today during class.

1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th: In class we created the survey question and google form for the survey project. Make sure your question and link to your google form are in your Survey Project doc.

2nd: Make sure you have INBp110, p111, p112, p113 and p114 in your notebook
Finish Solve Systems by Graphing Google Slides

Have a great break!

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