1st Period - Complete the Attendance Question in GC by 2:00 today, please.
1 - Complete the EdPuzzle assignment for Population Growth.
2 - Complete the Limiting Factors assignment in GC.
1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th: Complete google form attendance by 1pm.
Work on Slope Name Art. Get your name drawn on graph paper using only diagonal, vertical, and horizontal lines. Be prepared to show me your drawing in class Thursday. We will use art of the class Thursday to color code and find the slopes.
2nd: Complete Exponents Review Sheet in google classroom: quiz tomorrow (very similar to the review)
Social Studies:
1. Complete warm up #8
2. Go to the same site ("Abolitionist Movement" in GC) that you used on Monday and Tuesday. Scroll down past yesterday's reading to the heading "Famous Abolitionists". Pick a famous abolitionist from the site OR choose one from my list OR find one on your own and make a TRADING CARD.
List on site: My List
William Lloyd Garrison William Still
Frederick Douglass Absalom Jones
Harriet Beecher Stowe Angelina and Sarah Grimke
Susan B. Anthony
John Brown
Harriet Tubman
Sojourner Truth
Directions for Trading Card:
1. Draw a picture on the front of the index card. If you do not have an index card then make this out of paper according to the measurements of an index card.
2. Create a bullet point list on the back of the card which highlights 5, 7 or 10 details about their life and legacy as an abolitionist.
3. You will share your trading card for a GRADE in class tomorrow.
Core Connections
1. Please make sure you've turned in your Google Form for today by 1:00 p.m. It contains The Superfund video and questions that go with it.
2. Please make sure that you have turned in your WebQuest 1 and 2. If you need help, I will be available from 1:00 - 1:45 today in a zoom.
1. Complete the attendance form by 1:00pm.
2. "Orca trainer saw best of Keiko, worst of Tillikum" (on Google Classroom).