Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31st, 2025


1) Final projects are due Wednesday next week (including presentations of learning, edited illustrated glossaries, and digital exhibits).

2) If you did not have your peer reviews completed on time (for class today), you were required to finish your peer review in class today. To make up for not contributing to the group during this time, your group assigned you a short list of tasks to complete as homework. If you do not complete these tasks before next class, it will count against your final project grade.

Core Connections

1. Please make sure you've gone through the H.S. Course Registration Catalog.

2.  There is a slideshow to help you review the H.S. course information.

3.  PLEASE complete and turn in the Google Form that goes with today's information.

Social Studies:

1.  Complete the Flocabulary Civil War assignment

2.  Study the Civil War Vocab set

3. Continue to work on the research of your Supreme Court case for Part 2 of the SS Project!


1 - Complete the Cellular Respiration overview if you were absent or did not do this during class.

2 - Review the Show What You Know questions if you were absent or did not do this during class. 

There will most likely be a quiz next week on biomolecules and cell processes - possibly Friday. Stay tuned!  

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Valentine's Day Dance - sponsored by Student Council


1 - Complete the Cellular Respiration notes if you were absent or missed any part of this. (We did this during class.)

2 - Complete the Cellular Respiration Practice if you were absent or did not finish in class. (We did this during class.) Today's slideshow has an example of the respiration equation (see Slide 36).

3 - Complete the Cellular Respiration Virtual Review.  Remember to copy and paste your final screenshot showing your name. This provides verification of completing the online activity. 


Finish your peer reviews. You can access the links and requests for your assigned groups in today's agenda slides. Make sure you are on the slide for your class period.

Core Connections:

Today was a SS Project Work Day. Please make sure you've checked off your 1/30 SS Check-in Google Form.  Individual support topics included finding a case/resources/research, note taking, and citations.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday, January 29

Valentine's Day Dance - sponsored by Student Council

Social Studies:

REMINDER:  on Thursday, Jan. 30 all SS classes will be asynchronous

1.  All project re-submissions due today (17 students only).  Today is the ONLY day to re-submit if you have already been given approval.

2.  Create a new Vocab Study Set and name it "Civil War".  The words are listed in GC.

3.  Watch the first 20 minutes of ATSOU #5 "Civil War".  Take Graffiti notes (symbols, words, pictures) as you watch.

4.  Continue to work on Part 2 of the SS project.  Remember that the Supreme Court case that you have selected is a story with characters, actions, events, conflict and resolution.  Make sure that you understand your story!!


1 - Photosynthesis Overview (done in class; finish this if you have not done it for any reason)

2 - Photosynthesis Color By Number (done & checked in class; finish this if you have not done it for any reason)

3 - Complete the Flocabulary: Photosynthesis assignments. The quiz part will be recorded as a grade as long as all the other assigned sections are also completed. 

Core Connections

1. SS Legacy Check in (during class) (Google Form)

2. Don't forget the H.S. Virtual Open House at 5:30 tonight!  


Project rough drafts are due tomorrow!

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Core Connections

1. SS Legacy Check in (during class) (Google Form)

2. Don't forget the H.S. Virtual Open House at 5:30 tonight!  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Core Connections:

Please make sure you have completed and submitted 

1. I CAN

2.  Breakout Room Discussion Form

Social Studies:

1.  Take Test 1 (link in GC)


1 - Finish the Photosynthesis notes from yesterday if you were absent or missed class.  (We did this in class today.)

2 - Complete the Photosynthesis Practice if you were absent or missed class. (We did this in class today.)

3 - Complete the Photosynthesis Virtual Review.  Follow directions on the assignment in Google Classroom.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025


1 - Complete the EdPuzzle: Photosynthesis if you did not finish in class today.

2 - Ecosystems LearnEd p.14 - See Google Classroom for more information.

3 - Use today's slideshow to do the Digestion/Photosynthesis notes if you were absent or missed anything in class.  We did part of these notes today.

Core Connections:

Choose 2 topics in the I CAN document.  Take relevant and specific notes for you to remember about how you CAN do the task.   Put relevant links below.  

Tomorrow, we will Think-Pair-Share.


1 - Put your “Public View Link” for your Canva digital exhibit in the Google Classroom assignment (“Digital Exhibit Links”)

2 - Continue working on your digital exhibit OR presentation of learning for at least 15-20 minutes outside of class time.

3 - Rough drafts (including digital exhibit, presentation of learning, and edited illustrated glossary) are due Thursday at the beginning of class, so we can work on peer review.

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.
Social Studies:
1.  Make sure that you have selected a Supreme Court Case for part 2 of the project.  Today is the deadline.  Contact me if you need assistance.
2.  Watch the linked video in GC-take notes as you go.
3.  Study for Test 1 which is tomorrow.

REMINDER:  Electives begin at 12:45 on Mondays and end at 1:15

Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday, January 24

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #8 and 9

2.  Review for Tuesday's test by playing Jeopardy!  (Slavery, Antebellum).  Get organized by gathering your study materials as mentioned in class.

3.  Make sure that you have found a Supreme Court case for Part 2 of the SS project.  Contact me or Ms. Sauer if you need some additional help.

4.  Review the material posted in GC today regarding Project Part 1.  You must send an email to me by 1:10 today if you are planning on re-submitting.  This means that you have made a commitment to follow feedback, show a depth of study through your research and correct errors from the former submissions.

SS Project Part 1 Final


Continue working on final projects. The rough draft due date has been moved to Thursday, due to the asynchronous days. This includes the edited illustrated glossary, presentation of learning, and digital exhibit.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Today will be an asynchronous remote learning day.  Please check Google Classroom for your assignments. Teachers will be in our Office Hour Google Meets for extra support at these times if you need us or would like help:

9 - 9:30 Math

9:40 -10:10 Science

10:20 - 10:50 ELA

11:00 - 11:30 SS

11:40 - 12:10 CC

Stay safe! Thanks for working hard from home. 

Social Studies:

1. Complete warm up #8.

2.  Find a Supreme Court case for part 2 of the project.

3.  Play Jeopardy Review.

4.  Review the Trigger Events Video and text from the website linked in GC.  Answer the question posted and turn in your response by the end of the day today!


Check Google Classroom for your asynchronous assignment.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Happy Snow Day!  We are asynchronous today.  Please check Google Classroom, too!  

Stay safe and warm!

Core Connections:

Please continue working on your writing for MLK Remembered. I highly recommend experiencing the (optional) Honors extension - watching the legendary "I Have a Dream" speech in full, in MLK's own voice, with the crowd's energy.  


Check Google Classroom

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday, January 21

 Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #6

2.  Review the 2 sources in GC related to the Supreme Court and how it works.  Take a few notes on the important content from each source.  Additional notes (teacher notes) will be provided tomorrow at the beginning of class.

3.  Continue to look for a Supreme Court case to use for Project 2.

4.  Test 1 "Antebellum America" will be an OPEN NOTE test.  It will be administered next Tuesday, January 28.

Study Materials

Slavery Vocab, 4.3 Slavery Review Questions, 8.2 Notes (Masters and Slaves),

11.1 Slideshow (Industrial Revolution, impact on North and South),

Characteristics of Enslaved Entrepreneurship (Horton, Lane, Keckly),

Discovery Education:  Abolitionist Movement, Foundations of Democracy (notes),

America Ch. 12.1 and 12.3 notes (reforms), ATSOU #4 Notes "Division",

Events Which Led to the Civil War slideshow, Trigger Events of the Civil War


Complete the Proteins & Nucleic Acid notes using today's slideshow if you were absent or missed anything in class.

Complete the Biomolecules Review assignment in Google Classroom. Follow directions. Include a screenshot of your "Game Complete" score when you finish each review.  If you miss more than 5 on any review, repeat it until you improve your score. 

Core Connections:

Good luck to the Spelling Bee Finalists.  I'll BEE there to see you.

All classes: My microphone and camera are not working.  But the directions (and rubric) for today's activities are also in Google Slides. The activity is the Google Doc. Please get started.  Honors work is optional but recommended. 

THANK YOU to the students who read my chats, instructions, and slides out loud. You're awesome!

5th period. We will be remote due to the Bee and hopefully getting the tech issues fixed. But, you can get started on the activity, too.  


Period 1:

1) Classwork: NearPod lesson about Dictionary Definitions (posted in Google Classroom)

2) Homework: "HW 1/21" -- in Google Classroom (due tomorrow, begining of class)

3) Final project rough drafts (including edited glossaries, digital exhibits, and presentations of learning) due Monday

Peirods 2, 3, 5:

1) "HW 1/21" -- in Google Classroom (due tomorrow, begining of class)

2) Final project rough drafts (including edited glossaries, digital exhibits, and presentations of learning) due Monday

Period 4:

1) "HW 1/21" -- in Google Classroom (due tomorrow, begining of class)

2) NearPod lesson about dictionary definitions (to be posted in Google Classroom by end of day; due Friday)

3) Final project rough drafts (including edited glossaries, digital exhibits, and presentations of learning) due Monday

Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025


Complete the Carbohydrates & Lipids Exit Ticket if you did not finish in class today.  This is due today and counts as a classwork grade.  You may use your notes and slideshows to help you. 

Social Studies:

1.  Review the resources related to the SS Project Part 2.  Look for a Supreme Court case related to your Amendment which you can study!  All resources are posted in GC.

Core Connections:

Complete the College Search Tool.  We'll save the Google Form Dream School until Tuesday.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2024


Spend 15-20 minutes working on an individual task from your Illustrated Glossary checklist (in the "Final Project Instructions" document)

Social Studies

1.  Watch the video about the life of John Brown and create a timeline about the most impactful events in his life which led to his decision to invade the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Va.  

2.  Answer this question in paragraph form:  Who was John Brown?

Be prepared to share your response tomorrow in small groups!


Finish the Carbs & Lipids (2 Minute Classroom) assignment in Google Classroom. Remember to answer the Summary question at the bottom of the document. 

Core Connections:

Finish through slide 9 of the GPA Slideshow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday, January 15

 Social Studies

1.  Complete the slideshow titled "Events Which Led to the US Civil War".  

Core Connections:

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Periods: GPA through slide 7.


Complete the Amoeba Sisters: Biomolecules assignment in Google Classroom if you did not finish it today. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday, January 14

 Social Studies

1.  Work on your "Events Which Led to the Civil War" slide show.  Follow the directions in GC.  This will be collected for a quiz grade on Thursday, Jan 16.

2.  Continue to review notes and vocab on the Antebellum unit.


If you missed class today, please come to science office hours at 8:25 on Wednesday, Jan. 15 to take your quiz. Use this link for science office hours:

Science Office Hours

Core Connections:

Please make sure that you've completed the Brain Pop Ecology Quiz (Review).  We'll continue to work on GPA tomorrow.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025


1 - Study and prepare for your Ecosystems Quiz tomorrow.  Use the review material posted in GC. Look for "QUIZ REVIEW - Vocabulary" posted Jan. 7 and "QUIZ REVIEW: Practice Quizzes" posted Jan. 8. Review the Ecosystems Slideshows and all class assignments. 

2 - Complete the Carbon Cycle interactive module.  When you reach "the end," copy and paste the screenshot with your name into the doc in GC. Submit the document with your screenshot in GC for verification of completing this assignment. 


Checkpoint 4 final drafts due tomorrow. Make sure to use your Peer Review feedback to find errors and make edits.

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.

Social Studies:

1.  Review the answers to the 12.3 comprehension questions in GC.

2.  Play Jeopardy: Slavery Unit (Antebellum America)

3.  Submit Part 1 of the SS project in GC.  Unsubmit the prior submission.

Core Connections:
Complete and turn in the DTCC Webquest.  I have removed the GPA assignment and will post it for tomorrow.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025


1. Finish Peer Review for Checkpoint 4 if not done during class.

2. Checkpoint 4 final drafts due Tuesday next week

Period 5: You are asynchronous today due to the early release. Your assignment is to complete the Checkpoint 4 peer review. All materials you may need are in Google Classroom.

If you do not have your flipbook, a digital version is linked in today's agenda slides.


1. Study for your Ecosystems quiz which is on Tuesday, January 14. Review all slideshows, notes, and assignments with the "Ecosystems" topics in GC.  Use the Quizlet vocab list posted in GC and the links with practice questions.  

2. 5th period: You are asynchronous today.  Please complete the two assignments posted - Carbon Cycle Review and Symbiosis Review.  Use the Fill Tool to mark your answers in the chart. Use your notes and assignments to help you.

Core Connections:

1st & 2nd Period: DTCC Webquest questions 1 - 6.

3rd Period & 4th Period  Complete DTCC Webquest through Step 3 - Question 7 with the Short term, long term, etc... components also filled out

5 Period: Complete DTCC: Webquest questions 1 - 6.  

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025

 Social Studies

1. Complete warm up #4

2.  Review the notes on last night's reading-America 12.1 "Improving Society" and answer the Comprehension questions linked in GC 1-9

3.  Read 12.3 in the America Text "A Call for Women's Rights"  pp. 427-430

4.  Continue to edit your research notes for part 1 of the project

5.  Review slavery unit vocab


  1. Complete the Carbon Cycle notes if you missed class today. 
  2. Complete the Carbon Dioxide and the Carbon Cycle assignment in Google Classroom. Follow directions.
  3. Study for your Ecosystems Quiz which is on Tuesday, January 14. Use the study material described in class and posted in Google Classroom.
1. Checkpoint 4 rough drafts - due tomorrow
2. Checkpoint 4 final drafts - due Tuesday

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Core Connections:

Please make sure you've completed and submitted STM:  Who, Me?  


Finish the Good Buddies (or Not?) Symbiosis review assignment if you did not finish during class today. 

Your Ecosystems Quiz is on Tuesday, January 14. Study all notes, assignments, and slideshows. Review material is posted in Google Classroom.

Social Studies:

1.  Complete warm up #3

2.  Answer the 3 Foundations of our Democracy questions and submit for a HW grade in GC

3.  Use the online America text to read 12.1 "Improving Society"  pp.414-419

4.  Continue to edit and add to your project notes

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

1 - Complete the Ecological Interactions notes (we did this in class today if you attended; if you missed anything, use today's slideshow to complete it)
2 - Complete the EdPuzzle Symbiosis assignments. Symbiosis 1 is for practice/review.  Symbiosis 2 is the graded assignment. 
3 - Study and prepare for the Ecosystems Quiz on January 14.  See today's slideshow for topics to review. Use the "QUIZ REVIEW: Ecosystems Vocabulary" to study vocab terms from this unit. 

Social Studies
1.  Complete warm up response #2
2.  Watch part 2 of ATSOU #4 "Division" and finish your Graffiti notes.  Be prepared to share tomorrow.
3.  Review your project feedback. Edit and revise your research notes based on feedback.  Notes will be turned in for a project grade next Monday, January, 13th.
4.  Review Vocab: Slavery (used saved study set)

Continue working on projects. Checkpoint 4 rough drafts are due Friday!

Core Connections:
Turn in what you've completed (we got to the Timeline) in STM: Who Me?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday, January 6, 2025

  • Complete the "Why is Biodiversity Important?" reading passage with questions. 
  • If you missed class today, complete the More Ecosystem Vocabulary and p. 12 in your Ecosystems LearnEd notebook (use today's slideshow for both of these).
  • Ecosystems Quiz next week - most likely on Tuesday, January 14. 
Core Connections:
    Happy 2025 New Year's Journal due today.

  • If you are absent, remember to check the Daily Agenda slides for what we did in class that day.
  • Periods 1, 4, 5: If your group has 3 or fewer words completed for Checkpoint 4, complete the "Task Assignments" document in Google Classroom (one per group)
  • Period 2: All groups complete the "Task Assignments" document in Google Classroom. Turn in one per group.
Social Studies:
1. Review the new Syllabus for Q3.
2.  Create a new doc for Q3 warm-ups and complete warm up #1:
3.  Review feedback notes on Part 1 of the Project. Edit your work.
4. Watch ATSOU part 4 (first 20 minutes) in GC.
5. Take Graffiti notes using 4 sections: Erie Canal, Transportation, Mills and factories, Fugitive Slave Act