Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024

 Social Studies:

1.  Warm up # 14 (classwork)

2.  Create a Doc:  US Government Legacy-take notes from board for project support (classwork)

3.  Play 4 Corners Legacy (classwork)

4.  I.N. Activity L9 "Tribes G.O." R9 "Tribes of the Southeast" (classwork)


-Checkpoint #3 final draft due TOMORROW 8am

-Some groups may want to start gathering materials for your artifact over the weekend. If you bring in supplies on Monday, we can label them with your name and store them in the classroom.

Core Connections:

Please make sure you have submitted the Google Form Bug Math and WQ with the score you'd like to keep.

Continue to check the blog for upcoming assignments.  We have no homework over the weekend.  Thank you to the students who participated with the Enviroscape model. Great job!

Both Math Classes: You need to reach a 90 on your assigned IXL.

Math 8:  Your unit review is due Tuesday. Your test is on Wednesday 11/20.

Math 1: Your Mid-Unit Quiz is scheduled for Friday 11/22.

The Water Quality lab report is due Tuesday, Nov. 19 by the end of the school day (4:00 pm).

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