Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 Social Studies:

1.  Answer these question in paragraph form:

What did you learn about the Cherokee people from the film "First Language"?  How does one's heritage language create a strong foundation for future life experiences?

Ask for help in Cherokee "Skee stay-laa"

2.  Use your Quizlet study set/flashcards to review your new unit vocab:  US Government


1 - Finish the Fossil Fuel Formation lab if you did not finish in class today.

2 - Finish your diagrams of Nonrenewable Energy & the summary if you did not finish in class today.

3 - Complete pages 10-11 in your Energy LearnEd notebook.  Use the additional slides posted in Google Classroom for the parts on p.11 that are not addressed in the slideshow.


Finish the grammar independent practice if not finished in class today. It is posted in Google Classroom, in the "Grammar" section.

Core Connections:

We'll continue our Energy Research tomorrow.  Look through your Google Classroom to ensure you have completed and submitted the previous assignments:  The Worst, Roman numerals, Time Travelers, Hurricane Fiona.  

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