Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Science:  Read and take notes on Chapter 16, Section 1 if you did not finish during class.  Your notes should include definitions and examples of key terms, main ideas, detail, and information from each main heading/page in this section.  STUDY your notes on physical and chemical changes.

Social Studies:  Answer the following three questions about the Mecklenburg Declaration:
1.  What was the purpose of the document?
2.  Why is May 20, 1775 used on our State flag and our State license plate?  
3.  Why do you think the Meck. Dec. is important?

Define:  popular sovereignty

Research the meaning of the other date on the State Flag and State license plate:  April 12, 1776

Math I: NONE
8th Grade Math: Complete "Properties of Exponents I & II" if you did not turn it in during class.

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