Finish the carbon/nitrogen/oxygen cycle handouts you received in CC class. Use this information to help.
Journal 1:
Question 1:
T1: Write a five
sentence summary of the plot of your novel.
T2: Compare / contrast two characters from your novel.
T3: Write a short review
of the novel you are reading. Be sure to
comment on the writing style and character development in your evaluation.
Question 2:
Tell me about a news story that occurred in Durham over the last 3 days.
Explain who, what, when, and where. Give plenty of details.
How does this event affect the citizens of this community?
T2: Tell me
about a news story that occurred in the United States over the last 3 days.
How does this event affect the citizens of this nation? How does
the event influence how the world views America?
T3: Tell me
about a recent world event which occurred over the last 3 days. How does
this event influence humanity? How is the United States affected or not
affected by this event?
Journal Responses due by Friday!Read your novel. Make sure that you have turned in your permission form for Glory. Notes are due for America 15.3.
Watch the State of the Union address by President Obama this evening. Write a one page essay which summarizes the key points. Include a response to the following question...
Why does the annual State of the Union address matter?
Essays due by Friday, January 23rd.
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