Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday, October 15

 Social Studies:

1. Complete warm up#2 and the Make a Difference Day Form (classwork)

2.  Read in the America Text Ch.7 sections 1 and 2 pp.204-209 and pp.212-217 (classwork)

*notes provided in GC for your review

3.  Complete the I.N. Activities L1, R1 and L2,R2(classwork and homework)  Make sure that you are annotating the readings and fillings out all parts of the graphic organizers with notes from the reading!

4.  Review new vocab:  US GOV (homework)

Core Connections:

1st Period - Turn in your Energy Squares.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th - Turn in your Energy Squares and Ten Talking Points - submit whatever you've got on the Talking Points.  


1 - Study for your suffixes quiz tomorrow. You can study using the practice quiz, Quizlet, and your notes (all in Jupiter)

2- Checkpoint #1 rough draft due tomorrow

Study for your energy quiz on Friday, October 18. Use the Review Material posted in Google Classroom on Oct. 14.


Work on your weekly homework: Khan Academy and IXL.  It is due Sunday 10/20.

Math 1- prepare for tomorrow's Test

Math 8- complete the homework page from class today.

7th & 8th Grade Dance: Friday, November 8 from 6-8 pm in the middle school gym. 

Spirit Week Information - Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024


1 - Suffixes Practice Quiz due tomorrow (Jupiter)

2 - Checkpoint #1 rough draft - due Wednesday (by beginning of class)

3 - Suffixes quiz - Wednesday. Quizlet set posted in Jupiter.


1 - Finish the EdPuzzle: Climate Change assignment if you did not finish in class today. 

2 - Complete pages 10-11 in your Energy LearnEd notebook.  See instructions in Google Classroom. 

3 - Energy Quiz on Friday, October 18.  Use the Review Material posted in Google Classroom to prepare. 

Social Studies:

1.  Review the new syllabus

2.  Complete warm up #1

3.  Create a new study set:  US Gov vocab

4.  Read America Ch.7.1 "Governing a New Nation" and take notes as you go!

Core Connections: 

1. Please make sure you've completed the Energy Pie Chart.  We can continue with the Four Squares tomorrow.

7th & 8th Grade Dance: This has been rescheduled for Friday, November 8 from 6-8 pm in the middle school gym. 

Math- work on your weekly homework: Khan Academy and IXL.

Math 1- Your B11 Unit Review is due tomorrow.

Spirit Week Information - Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday, October 3

 Social Studies:

1.  Final R.W.E.P.P. presentations tomorrow!!  This is the last day of Q1....HOORAY!!


Finish pages 15-16 in your Energy LearnEd notebook.  Use the slideshow posted in Google Classroom (student login code is posted there also). 

Finish any incomplete work, if this applies to you. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday, October 2

🏐 Wear pink tomorrow to support the girls' volleyball team! 🏐

 Social Studies:

1.  Revolutionary War Era People Project is due tomorrow.  Be prepared to present your research to your peers!  

Make sure that you thank Mrs. Graham for planning a great field experience for the team. Way to go Mrs. Graham!!


1 - Finish the diagrams and summary on the "Nonrenewable Energy Sources" handout you received in class on Tuesday. [Do not do the Renewable Energy Sources side yet.]

2 - Complete the Field Trip Reflection form (posted in MTSS Google Classroom) if you did not complete it when we returned from the field trip.

Core Connections:

Thank you for a good field trip.  We'll continue with our Bear Squares and Bear Adaptations on Thursday.  No homework.


Math 8: Your unit test is tomorrow.  Come prepared!

Math 1: B7 homework is due tomorrow. The retake is tomorrow at recess.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday, October 1

 Social Studies:

1.  Take Test 2 (classwork)

2.  Submit your warm up doc from Q1 for a Project grade (classwork)

3.  Complete the Rev. War Era People project (classwork and homework)

4.  Brainstorm ideas for Make a Difference Day 2024

5.  Check out the Vice Presidential Debate TONIGHT!

Core Connections:

We are delaying our Fat Bear Week Citizen Science deadline due to the National Park Service's program delay.  RIP Bear 402.  :(  

Make sure you've completed the 3 research squares you choose in Bear Squares.  We'll complete it (hopefully) Thursday when they're back online again.  

The Fat Bear Week Tech Tuesday will be due on Thursday due the Field Tip.


- Finish the Nonrenewable Energy Sources diagrams & summary page from class today.  Follow directions on your handout.  This is due Thursday at the beginning of your class period. 

- Field Trip tomorrow!  Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.  Bring your device, lunch, water bottle, and a happy attitude. Your device/charger should be left at school (in your locker or homeroom class) while we are on the field trip. You will need your device when we return to school.  We are going to have a great day together!