Monday, March 2, 2020

Nonfiction Writing due 4/23

Nonfiction Rubric

You must use at least 1000 “good” words.  _____( 100 pts)
You must have learned at least 10 facts. _____( 100 pts)
Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, etc.   ____ (20 pts)
You must have at least 5 subheadings ____(100 pts)
You must have at least 5 images ____(100 pts)
You must have at least 3 citations. ____(30 pts)
You must either write it in book format, essay format, or powerpoint format.  _____ (50 pts)
Due April 23  on time ______ (50 pts)

This is a project for you to learn about any topic you choose.  Have fun, use your own words, edit, and try your best.

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