Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Core Connections: Classwork Link - CNN Student News

Social Studies Seminar:  Hello. My name is American South.
Text:  Various Quotes about the South
 Read the 7 quotes below. Pick one and code it as Interesting(INT), pick one and code it as Confusing (CON) and pick one and code it as Important (IMP). Write a sentence with each code giving your reasoning behind the choice.

  1. [As a Southerner] I am an imperfect citizen of an imperfect, odd, beautiful, dysfunctional, delicious place.  -Rick Bragg “My Southern Journal”

     2.  A sense of place is crucial to one’s identity.  -Bill Ferris

     3.  The South is the most American and Un-American place in the nation.  
           -Bill Ferris

     4.  To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi.
          -William Faulkner

     5.  In my South, the most treasured things passed down from generation to
          generation are the family recipes.  -Robert St. John

     6.  I mean it takes a certain kind of maturity to live in the South these days.
          -Harper Lee

     7.  No one knows how to hold a grudge like a proper Southerner.  -Charles M.Blow

Math I: Finish Solving Equations on the back of the "Percentile" Investigation.
8th Grade Math (ALL classes): Practice 2-1 (#2-26 even)

Science: Brainstorm and plan for your Periodic Table Project. Be sure you have at lesat 3 different topics with 4-5 categories within each topic. Follow the guidelines given in class today.

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